All abstracts must be submitted in English and be of not more than 250 words in Microsoft Word format.
Abstract Specification: Paper Size: A4: Portrait, Font: Arial, 11-point size.
The title should be in BOLD CAPITALS. Do not centralise.
Authors' names to be listed as follows: Family names in UPPER CASE, followed by given names in Title Case, without using full-stops. The presenter’s name is to be underlined.
Authors' institutions, cities and countries should be listed on the next line.
The text of the abstract must include section headings such as “Objectives”, “Materials and Methods”, “Results” and “Conclusion”. The section headings should appear in UPPER CASE bold.
A sample abstract template is available for download HERE.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to amend or change any part of the submission guidelines.
Abstract acceptance results will be notified within 3 weeks after the submission deadline (barring need for clarifications/further review).
Posters will be in electronic format (Powerpoint). Click here for sample
Detailed presentation guidelines will be released by late April 2024.
All presenters must REGISTER and pay for the workshop by the Online Registration Deadline (31 May 2024).